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July so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
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Owner: squiz

Member#: 6644
Registered: 27-05-2007
Diary Entries: 2937

9th April 2011
Hiking - Walking: Maldon Maritime Trail
Wind Direction:
Wind Stength:
Surf / Sea State:
Air Temperature: 22
Sea Temperature:
Weather: sunny
Max Speed:
Distance Covered: 10.17 mile (Nautical Miles - unless stated otherwise)

So after a top nights sleep at Tollesbury Creek I was up at 5 o clock for a couple of hours watching the sunrise with camera in hand - stunning too :)
Then after breakfast Mag and I headed to Heybridge Basin for the start of our biggest walk yet !!!!
We parked in a free carpark :) just behind the Chelmer and Blackwater Canal and set off with lunch and drink this time at 9:30.We looked at the lock onto the Blackwater Estuary first - tide out again !!! before heading inland toward Chelmsford and the end of the 12 mile waterway.
The first mile was pretty straight past Bentalls warehouse under Wave bridge as the canal turned left.Then under a couple more bridges before making it to the big Tesco's for a toilet break :)
We then decided to leave the canal and head along the banks of the tidal River Chelmer past Maldon golf course to the most wonderful spot where the canal passes over the river at Beeleigh Falls :)
We stopped by the lock for our roll at about 10:30 where we met a windsurfer I know from Felixstowe with his girlfriend walking the canal to Chelmsford - small world.
Now back on the canal again we past Elm's Farm Park to Tesco's again,cross to the R.Chelmer again and head into Maldon past the docks and on to several old sailing barges for which the town is well know :)
We walk to the end by the sailing club and sit by the statue of Byrhtnth Ealdorman of Essex who attemped to repel the viking invaders before returning to Promenade Park for coffee and cake !!! This is a great place for the kids with the most wonderful pirate ship to play on.
Refreshed from our break we walked through Maldon High Street and on to 'The Lakes' and the last part of our walk along the River Blackwater and back to Heybridge absolutely knackered but very happy :)
I had a problem now the tide was coming in and the breeze was there all I had to do was find somewhere to launch !!!! see my windsurfing entry as I get lucky :)
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